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GET 15% off any TONIC site TEMPLATE
with the code LOVEANDWATER

Need a new site? Snag this deal!

Tonic's line of completely customizable site templates for modern, stylish creatives are basically website templates for people who think they don't like website templates. They make beautiful design affordable, accessible to everyone — no code, no tears, no limits. And there's a fun twist: all of their site designs are inspired by cocktails! Our website is based off of the Paper Plane template, and there are lots to choose from!

Our website template was designed by Tonic Site Shop. It was then further customized by our graphic designer! We loved working with Tonic, and have used their templates as a launching pad to our web design process for years. As with anything we plug, we wouldn't do so without standing behind the product 100% - try them and you'll see, there's no going back!

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